School of Journalism and Mass Communication
His research interests include health journalism, media, technology and society, the state of media in Zimbabwe and media audiences.
Antonio is a member of the UNESCO’s Information for All Programme (IFAP) Zimbabwe National Committee. In 2018, he was part of the 8-member Media Monitoring Unit of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). For the past five years, he has been a national adjudicator for the PEPFAR HIV and AIDS Reporting awards run by the US Embassy Press Department.
Contact: 0773395336 /0715427645
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To be the centre of choice for quality journalism training in Zimbabwe
To contribute to quality human resource development by producing journalists with both theoretical and hands-on knowledge in journalism.
core values
Research Professionalism
Fairness Pam African solidarity
Teamwork Client-focused
The enrolment figures vary from year to year though the school has, in recent times, witnessed an increase in the number of female students. Over the years the department has produced competent journalists for media houses in Zimbabwe, Africa and beyond. The school is credited with producing the highest number of media executives and decision makers in Zimbabwe’s media industry and continues to be a shining beacon in journalism training.
Courses on Offer
National Certificate Broadcast Journalism
Entry Requirements
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